George Kyeyune (Ugandan, born 1962)
Contemplation, circa 1995
66.5 x 55 x 43 cm
Ksh 600,000 – 710,000
(US$) 5,500 – 6,500
Provenance: Private collection of Klaus Betz

Sold Ksh 862,890

George William Kyeyune graduated from the Margaret Trowell School of Fine Arts, Kampala in 1985. He then travelled to India where he achieved an MFA, specializing in Sculpture, from the Maharaja Sayajiraho University of Baroda. The three years that he spent in Gujarat were transformative to Kyeyune’s artistic practice; through looking at the Indian religions and art forms which survived colonialism he was encouraged to question his own cultural inheritance.

On returning to Kampala, Kyeyune re-joined the Margaret Trowell School of Fine Arts, teaching Sculpture. He continued his own practice, sculpting and exhibiting widely in Kampala. In 1999 he received a scholarship for doctoral study in History of African Art at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London.

The owner of this sculpture was one of the first to begin collecting Kyeyune’s work from the time he graduated from Makerere in 1985. This is a very important early sculpture by the artist.